The blacktopping and maintenance of the five-kilometre road from Phuentshogling town to the Rinchending Integrated Check Post initially brought relief to residents and commuters. However, their joy was short-lived as potholes reappeared just a month after the repairs.
The condition of the five-kilometre road from Phuentshogling to Rinchending check post has worsened, causing inconvenience to commuters.
Last year’s monsoon left the road riddled with potholes with some stretches washed away.
Due to the risks posed by these eroded stretches, The Phuentshogling Thromde constructed retaining walls and began blacktopping the road.
However, the new blacktopped road started developing potholes just weeks after the repairs.
“The road was repaired and blacktopped but it is already wearing out and there are potholes. I am not sure if it is due to the poor work quality or because the blacktopped was done during heavy rains,” said Sangay Wangdi, a driver.
“We have to travel on this road every day. It has not been even a month and it is already wearing out. I feel it was not done properly,” said Sangay, another driver.
“They should work in accordance with the weather. They were blacktopping even on rainy days and as a result, the road is back to its original state,” said Pema Letho, also a driver.
However, Phuentshogling Thrompon, Uttar Kumar Rai said this work could not be planned outside the monsoon season as the repairs were critical.
“We usually plan projects carefully. However, this was unplanned and an ad hoc project. With parts of the road washed away, we had to do something immediately. We received the budget only in February and could start the work by the end of April, which coincided with the monsoon season.”
The thrompon added that thromde officials are always present at the work site.
He further added that blacktopping might have been done in the rain due to unpredictable weather, as work must continue once the raw materials are prepared.
“There is a year defect liability period. So, the contractor has to repair and maintain the road for a year. If not, we withhold 10 per cent of the budget and do not accept the work. The contractor has agreed to handle the maintenance.”
The road was maintained at a cost of Nu 14 M. Although the road falls under the thromde, it is also part of Asian Highway 48.
Kinley Dem, Chhukha
Edited by Sonam Pem