His Majesty the King granted Land Kidu to 51 shopkeepers of Lhamoizingkha village under Dagana Dzongkhag. His Majesty was in Lhamoizingkha for four days until Friday.
While in Lhamoizingkha, His Majesty advised the people to be ready to take advantage of the business opportunities the Sunkosh Project would bring.
His Majesty the King accompanied by Her Majesty the Gyaltsuen, also visited Lhamoizingkha Middle Secondary school and Karmaling Community Primary School in the remote village of Karmaling.
His Majesty told the students that they must study hard, and pay special attention to Dzongkha and English, as these languages would be of great importance to them later in life.
Their Majesties also met with the people of Lhamoizingkha, Jigmethang, and Karmaling.
His Majesty also granted audiences to forest and dzongkhag staff, and Royal Bhutan Police personnel in Lhamoizingkha.
According to a press release from the Royal Office of Media, His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Gyaltsuen were warmly welcomed by the people of Lhamoizingkha.
His Majesty the King began the tour to the Southern dzongkhags on November 14.
His Majesty is now in Gelephu.
Today, His Majesty accompanied by Her Majesty the Gyaltsuen, graced the Rigzin Jigme Lingpa Kawbum Kawang at Gelephu presided over by Namkhai Nyingpo Rinpoche.
Their Majesties also met with the people gathered to receive wang.
His Majesty the King also granted audience to dzongkhag, dungkhag, judiciary, Royal Bhutan Police and Royal Bhutan Army officers in Gelephu.