The residents of Trashigang, particularly in Bartsham, Bidung, Samkhar, Radhi, and Phongmey Gewogs are grappling with unreliable cable television services. They have been grappling with the issue for over a year. Residents say the cable service has become important, especially during the election period.
The people of Shongphu, Radhi, Phongmey, Bidung, and Samkhar Gewogs are frustrated with the cable television service.
For some, they could not watch the public debates as well. A few customers have even disconnected the lines as it was not functioning.
Without cable television service, people rely on radio and mobile phones to stay updated with news and programmes.
The poor cable television service is not a new issue in these areas, but it was also raised during the last Dzongkhag Tshogdu.
“I used to watch the news but when there is no cable service, I feel frustrated. When we call them, they justify. I think we need another cable service operator, so then it will benefit us,” said Yeshi Wangchuk, a resident.
“Earlier, most of us had cable lines but due to the unreliable service, around half of the people in Rangjung town have disconnected it. After purchasing set-top boxes, I might have watched television for three to four months. But due to a connection problem, I have disconnected it,” said Tashi Lhamo, another resident.
“It has been months after they took my set-top box. So, they did not bring a new set-top box. We cannot stay updated with the news. Nowadays the election is going on so, without the service, I cannot watch news and programmes. We are not aware of what is happening, who is winning and who is losing,” said Sangay, who is also a resident.
Tshering Norbu Cable Service is the one that operates the cable television service in these areas. Currently, the cable service has around 700 customers.
The proprietor said the service gets delayed as their cable line, which is almost 40-kilometre runs through the forest.
The proprietor added that wild animals damage the fibre cable frequently and it is difficult to locate it.
She also added most customers are villagers who are uneducated, and they face challenges with the set-top boxes.
The issue is not different in Bartsham Gewog.
“Recently I made the payment, and I watched only 13-14 days. After that, I asked them to make it clear that I need to watch the public debates. But they said the problem is from head office,” said Sonam Choden, a resident.
“Without proper cable line service, I cannot stay updated with the ongoing election news and programmes. So, I do not have any idea, what is happening. Moreover, we get to know about the Zakar when there is cable line,” said Tenzin Dendup, another resident.
Jigme Dorji, a resident from Bartsham Gewog said “if we have a cable line, it is cheaper because we have to pay only 300 ngultrum in a month. Without that, we must recharge 699 data, which is hardly enough for two weeks. The cable line is convenient. We can stay updated with the news. But without it, we do not know anything.”
The Kinga Cable Operator operates the cable television service for some 90 households in Bartsham.
They said wild animals damage the lines delaying the service.
The proprietor added that after connecting the lines and initialising the set-top boxes, most of the people in Bartsham choose to activate the service for only a few months therefore it affects their business.
The Chairman of the Association of Bhutan Cable Operators said most of the operators are facing similar issue after setting up the set-top box and due to the long distance of fiber lines.
They have requested the Bhutan InfoComm Media Authority or BICMA about the possibility of connecting fibre from gewog community centre in the future to resolve the issue.
BICMA officials said that they have written a letter to the GovTech Agency requesting to facilitate ADSS fibre cable to the local cable operators.
The GovTech Agency has informed BICMA that as per the Government Fiber Leasing Policy, cable operators are not entitled to lease fiber and doing so means a change in the policy decision.
BICMA officials added that they are still discussing with the Internet Service Providers to resolve the issue.
Sonam Darjay, Trashigang
Edited by Tshering Zam