More than a thousand students and teachers from over 60 schools in Trashigang are taking part in a walk to mark the Sherig Century-100 years of nation building.
By tomorrow, most of them would have walked for four days covering more than a hundred kilometer.
Apart from taking part in the walk, the students are also advocating the importance of education.
“It is fantastic to see the kids really getting into it and demonstrating their own appreciation for the experience and education they do receive here,” said one of the teachers in Trashigang, Simon Brownlie.
Many students said they are lucky to be part of the celebration. “I feel happy because we get to celebrate the Sherig Century only once in our life time,” said Thinley Youzer, one of the students.
The students will end their walk in Trashigang tomorrow.
Gewog officials, business communities and villagers are encouraging the students’ by joining the crowd for a short walk and providing refreshments.