In a positive development for the residents of Dewathang in Samdrup Jongkhar Thromde, vegetable sheds have been constructed along the Samdrup Jongkhar-Dewathang highway. The new facility offers a suitable space for selling locally produced vegetables and is expected to contribute to the economic growth of the community. Samdrup Jongkhar Thromde constructed the facility.
People no longer have to sell vegetables from this old temporary hut.
Now the residents of Samdrup Gatshel, Kiptse, and Bangtsho Demkhongs in Samdrup Jongkhar Thromde have proper vegetable sheds.
There are two vegetable sheds which can accommodate about three sellers each.
Although it may not be the vegetable growing season in Samdrup Jongkhar, residents are using the sheds for selling mushrooms and other non-wood forest products. For some residents, selling vegetables by the roadside serves as a secondary source of income.
“It will benefit us a lot. Thromde has provided us with a proper shed. Now we can cultivate more vegetables and sell them here. I am happy with it. I sell vegetables here sometimes and, in a day, I earn about Nu 1000 to 2500,” said Dorji Choden, a resident.
“Before we used to sell vegetables in open spaces. Now, it is comfortable since our vegetables are protected from rain,” said Pema, another resident.
Samdrup Jongkhar Thromde administration spent more than Nu 500,000 to construct the vegetable sheds.
Kinley Wangchuk, SamdrupJongkhar
Edited by Tshering Zam