In the National Council Question Hour session, yesterday, the education and skills development minister said it is not feasible to have a National Education Policy as teaching-learning methods keep on changing and evolving. The members of the National Council also quizzed the minister about shortage of teachers across the country and if the government would consider employing teachers who have previously resigned.
According to the education and skills development minister, about 500 teachers resigned so far this year. The minister said the country currently has a shortage of 800 teachers.
The Dagana MP, Berindra Chimoria, suggested the ministry to employ private school teachers who are unemployed and regularise contract teachers to solve the teacher shortage issue.
‘‘Firstly, if we regularize the contract teachers as permanent teacher, I feel they will not leave the job. Second, many private schools have been closed this year. Since its closure, many private school teachers are still unemployed. Since they are the teachers who have experience in teaching, if we take them in as a teacher, I feel for now it might be able to solve this pertinent issue.’’
“We have come to a situation where the lecturers from the colleges are coming to teach the neighbouring schools. Moreover, the shortage of subject teacher is also prominent, whereby English teachers are teaching science and history subjects. My biggest concern is, how the ministry is holding up the quality of the education,” said Jamyang Namgyal, MP, Pema Gatshel.
‘‘The biggest challenge is the increasing attrition of the teacher. The most important thing we have is the National Education Policy. As far as I know, since 2014 and till last year the policy has been a draft. I feel we need a strong National Education Policy to work accordingly,” said Phuntsho Rapten, Eminent Member.
The education minister informed the House that the ministry is aware of the issue and is working with the district administrations to recruit teachers.
‘‘Since the recruitment of the contract teachers takes more time with the ministry, we have given the full authority to districts to recruit the contract teachers based on the required number whenever possible, thinking it will be quicker this way to fill the gap,’’ said Jai Bir Rai, Education and Skills Development Minister.
The minister also added that having a National Education Policy is not feasible given the nature of the education sector.
‘‘We do have the education policy but having a policy in the education sector is not feasible as we have to keep on altering it with the changes that come in the education sector. The new teaching pedagogy will demand a new policy. But if we do need the National Education Policy, we can discuss and have the proper research done on it.”
According to the minister, the education and skills development ministry will discuss with the Royal Civil Service Commission to come up with solutions to the teacher shortage issue.
Sonam Yuden
Edited by Sherub Dorji