The fire at Chang Debsi in Thimphu claimed three more lives. The police found the bodies in the forest above Debsi earlier today. A man in his thirties also died while battling the fire yesterday. The fire which started above Chang Debsi around 11 AM yesterday has yet to be contained.
Residents in the area said the bodies were of labourers carrying out logging activities. They said the deceaseds were from Trashi Yangtse. The police said they are in the process of investigating and identifying the bodies.
According to sources, the labourers were working for Natural Resources Development Corporation Limited.
Meanwhile, DeSuups, Army, Police, Forestry officials and community volunteers are battling the fire which has now spread over the hills in Ramtokto. Firefighters say the strong wind is hampering their efforts to contain the fire.
Kinley Dem
Edited by Phub Gyem