Gelephu Town in Sarpang is once again buzzing thanks to a flurry of events taking place in the area. This is helping the town’s economy make a comeback after slumping during the COVID pandemic.
Streets in Gelephu town are filled with cars and people these days. Gelephu seems to have once again become a favourite winter destination for the Bhutanese. Over the past few weeks, hotels and other businesses have been doing well after remaining mostly idle for almost two and a half years. Sarpang was identified as one of the Red Zones during the pandemic.
“With the Moenlam Chhenmo event last week, the ongoing common exam paper evaluation camp and people visiting the hot spring, we see a lot of people in the town these days,” said Karma Phuntsho, who runs a shop in Gelephu Town.
“After the COVID pandemic, people have started coming in and businesses are going so well in Gelephu. All the hotels and businesses are doing well these days,” said a hotelier, Ashi Viswananthan.
At an ongoing first-of-its-kind music festival in Gelephu, people are seen flocking to the venue in huge numbers despite relatively cold nights these days. People say such events not just boost the local economy, but also provide a much-needed respite after two stressful COVID-laden years.
“With several events taking place here, we are able to find more passengers as well,” said Namgay, a taxi driver.
“It has become difficult to find parking space in the town. The town has become crowded,” said another cabbie, Neykor.
Besides the music festival, other events such as the national cricket championship and a scouts’ camp have also added to the town’s floating population.
These days more than a hundred travellers arrive on buses daily according to passenger bus service providers in Gelephu. However, business usually falls after winter in Gelephu with people moving out to places with moderate temperatures.
Karma Wangdi, Sarpang
Edited by Kipchu