40 class XII students of Trashitse Higher Secondary School in Trashigang will have to re-appear the board examination for four papers. Their answer sheets for English II, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics went missing when the BCSEA officials opened consignment of the answer sheets from their school for evaluation on Friday. The police, BCSEA and the school authority are investing how the examination envelopes for the four subjects went missing.
The 2022 Bhutan Higher Secondary Education Certificate examination was completed on 31 December last year. The assessment of all the answer scripts of 84 schools began earlier this month at Losel Gyatsho Academy in Sarpang.
An internal investigation was conducted to assess if all necessary security arrangements and standard operating procedures were followed while packing, storing and handing over the answer scripts to the Bhutan Post for delivery.
It was found that the secured boxes had been intentionally tampered and specific examination envelopes for certain subjects had been removed.
The Principal of the Trashitse Higher Secondary School said he received 10 sealed boxes containing answer scripts and unused items from the supervisor on the 31st of December. Since the next day was Sunday, he kept the box in the examination cell under lock and key and left the school care taker to guard the examination cell. And he added that he didn’t notice tampering of the box while taking it for delivery on 2nd January.
Following an emergency meeting chaired by the Prime Minister yesterday, BCSEA has filed a case with the police in Gelephu.
The school authority also reportedly contacted the affected students and their parents. The re-examination is scheduled from 19th to 22nd of this month. The BCSEA will carry out the assessment of the answer scripts after the ongoing evaluation completes.
According to the news release from the ministry, all arrangements for re-examination have been made and full support is being extended to the affected students in terms of transportation, accommodation, meals and other logistics.
The assessment for the students appearing for the re-examination will also take into account their performance during the course of the school year so that they are fairly assessed. The students will also be briefed and given some time to mentally prepare for the re-examination. Counselling support is also being made available.
Karma Samten Wangda