The road networks in and around the new Industrial Service Centre under Gelephu Thromde in Sarpang are some of the most frequented roads by the residents. However, the roads are really in bad condition, making everyday travel for the residents an arduous task.
The roads were made pliable by laying a base course along with the establishment of the Industrial Service Centre in 2016.
But its condition worsened over the years due to monsoon rains. Today, one will certainly fret to travel the road.
The base course surface has been wiped out and some grasses have grown in the middle of the road. That aside, the water-clogged potholes add to the woes of the residents.
The roads were improved by laying the base course two years ago. But, it was short-lived.
“It has been two years since the base course works were carried out along the road. But its condition doesn’t seem to improve. We now hope for the stretch to be tarred,” said Bikraim Rai, who often visits the industrial service centre for his personal works.
Some residents suggested the roads should be tarred.
“At the moment, the potholes pose problems to our vehicles. To avoid this in future, I think blacktopping the road is a better solution,” said another resident, Kezang Wangda.
Others also favoured the suggestion.
“The road is in really poor condition. Our vehicles face occasional damages. If the stretch is tarred, we will heave a sigh of relief,” said Thakhur Prasad Ghimiray, who is also a resident in Gelephu Thromde.
The Industrial Service Centre houses various business entities such as warehouses, automobile workshops, cement agents, furniture and carwash among others.
Therefore, the road connecting the centre sees heavy traffic almost every day. The Gelephu Thrompon said the lack of enough funds has halted them to provide all the required amenities including the better roads within the premises of the centre so far. Nevertheless, the thromde will repair the potholes for a time being.
“We require funds of around Nu 80 M to blacktop the entire internal road network of Industrial Service Centre. Since it is the only industrial service centre in Gelephu, we must ensure the best quality infrastructure for the public and businessmen. These are all in the plan. If we cannot implement the plan this financial year, we will try during the next financial year,” shared Gelephu Thrompon Tshering Norbu.
Until then the road woes are likely to remain unsolved.
Karma Wangdi, Sarpang
Edited by Pema Lhaden