Students who failed in classes X and XII for the second time will still be allowed to repeat for the third time like before. The Education Minister said this during the Question Hour session today at the National Assembly in response to questions from some members of the House. The members questioned the conditions the ministry set for the repeaters in these grades.
The Member of the Parliament from Gangzur Minjey, Kinga Penjor, asked the Education Minister why students who failed twice in grades X and XII are not allowed to repeat. The MP said this is against the government’s policy of providing free education. Moreover, he said the basic qualification needed for any vacancy is a class XII pass.
However, Education Minister Jai Bir Rai said that interested students, regardless of whether they repeated the same classes twice, will be given the opportunity to continue their studies. Lyonpo said the ministry has been accommodating students who have failed to repeat in their same classes.
“Currently, there is a shortage of seats for the students. After the notification from Prime Minister’s Office, all the previous conditions have been removed. So, on the basis of the interest of the students, we gave opportunities to the students to continue their education both in government and private schools,” said Lyonpo.
Earlier this year, the education ministry laid down conditions for the students who failed in class X to be eligible to repeat. However, the Prime Minister’s Office issued a notification asking the ministry to relook into it.
Kelzang Choden/Pema Seldon Tshering
Edited by Sonam