The Tashigang Police have forwarded the alleged sexual harassment case involving an assistant lecturer of the Sherubtse College to the District Court today. The police had deployed a special investigation team last month to investigate the case.
The investigation revealed that the accused had allegedly harassed female students through text messages asking for midnight rides, commenting on their personal character and body shamming them.
The accused is charged with 10 counts of sexual harassment as per section 205 of the Penal Code. He is also charged with five counts of harassment under the section 462. The Trashigang police are prosecuting the case.
A team from the Royal University of Bhutan also investigated the case and suspended the assistant lecturer last month. It then forwarded the case to the Trashigang Police.
A group of female students from the college filed a harassment complaint against the lecturer in May this year.
The issue came to the limelight after a newspaper published the story which was discussed widely on social media.
Sonam Darjay, Trashigang
Edited by Sonam Pem