People should expect another heated debate on the Mines and Minerals Bill in the parliament next year. The Prime Minister said he will table the Bill again in the summer session of the parliament since the deferred Bill cannot be discussed in the same year.
Prime Minister Dr Lotay Tshering said it is his moral responsibility to bring back the Bill to the parliament. According to the Prime Minister, the whole debate around the Bill is now perceived as the government not supporting the state ownership of mines and minerals. Lyonchhen said the government will take this remaining time to discuss properly the provisions of the Bill.
Opposition Leader Dorji Wangdi said he is doubtful that there would be any change.
“I would say that this is a very important Bill mainly because it involves national wealth and it must be retabled and we must try to pass this Bill in this parliament itself. It will all depend on how serious the government will work on this, how sincere they will work on this Bill. The government has to bring everybody on board, maybe even other stakeholders like DHI because DHI is a key stakeholder as well here. So it will have to depend on two things; the seriousness of the government to bringing everybody on board and discussing the issues thoroughly. Second, it will depend on their sincerity. Meaning how much they will be able to keep national interest above party interest.”
The chairperson of the national council on the other hand said that the House might probably not have an opportunity to discuss the Bill even if it is tabled again due to the procedure of passing a Bill.
As per the chairperson, the two houses agreed that the strategic mines be managed by the state and leave non-strategic mines to the private sector. He said the issue was the difference between the definition of strategic and non-strategic mines between the two Houses. The chairperson said the strategic mines are all minerals found in the country with high value such as dolomite, graphite and Coal among others. He said the assembly’s definition is however questionable.
Samten Dolkar
Edited by Tandin Phuntsho