After nearly four months under lockdown, Phuentshogling town finally opened up today. And although happy with the relaxations, residents are still cautious with the risks of the virus still present in the community.
Offices and businesses in Phuentshogling are finally up and running once again. And although not quite as bustling as before, with people coming out of their homes the town has started to come to life once again.
Restaurants and bars have been allowed to open at fifty percent capacity. Inter mega zone movement is allowed, while inter dzongkhag movement from high risk to high risk is allowed after RT PCR testing. For movement from high risk to low risk, travellers need to stay under seven day quarantine.
Residents say more people have come out today to shop for their children who will be leaving for Punakha to continue their education.
However, people are still concerned as the risk of infection still remains high in the community. A thirty five year old man who is fully vaccinated tested positive yesterday.
The building where the positive case was detected has been cordoned off. The case was detected after the taskforce announced the lockdown relaxations yesterday. The taskforce says the relaxations will not be lifted, however they will enhance surveillance and monitoring.
Meanwhile, sports, entertainment centres, and gatherings are still restricted in the town.
Sonam Penjor, Phuentshogling
Edited by Yeshi Gyaltshen