To enhance protection and reporting of any form of child exploitations, Nazhoen Lamtoen, a civil society organisation, in collaboration with Paro Dzongkhag launched a pilot project on Child Protection Team in schools and Community Child Protection team on Wednesday. Nazhoen Lamtoen plans to replicate the project in all the schools and gewogs if all goes well.
Today, many child abuse cases go unreported which according to experts would affect the mentality of a child in the long run.
In April this year, an alleged rape of a child below the age of 18 by her father in one of the primary schools of Paro surfaced. It is only after the girl revealed the alleged abuse of her father to the teacher during good touch bad touch session at school. According to sources, the father had been exploiting his daughter since the age of seven. Similarly, there are many such cases that go unreported. Through Child Protection Team in schools and Community Child Protection team in the communities, it is expected to prevent and address such cases.
“Child protection is a collective effort. One man or one organisation cannot address this issue. That’s why we learned that gewogs and local communities are more effective in confronting such issues. If we have a team at the local level, the team can prevent early exposure and create awareness on the topic,” said Thinley Tobgay, the Executive Director of Nazhoen Lamtoen.
The Nazhoen Lamtoen is also planning to establish a youth and children vocational training institute in Paro. The institute is expected to cater to after-care services to children in difficult circumstances.
“Child protection is a concern and our number one priority. Youths and child are the key players in the country’s developmental aspects. Nazhoen lamtoen’s aims and objectives immediately clicked and resonated with us. They are looking for state land to establish the institute, we have agreed to help them. They have identified a plot in Doteng Gewog and it is confirmed now,” added Kinley Gyeltshen, the Senior Dzongrab of Paro.
Currently, Nazhoen Lamtoen is training the representatives from gewogs on familiarising the SOPs and TORs. The representatives will be the members of the Community Child Protection team. The CSO will also pilot the project in Chhukha, Monggar, Thimphu and Zhemgang as well.
Namgay Wangchuk, Paro