Renovation of Daga Trashi Yangtse Dzong is in full swing. Ever since the Dzong was built in 1651, no major renovation has been carried out until today. According to the Project Manager, Kinley Gyeltshen, they are trying to complete the renovation by June next year.
Daga Trashi Yangtse Dzong is one of the oldest Dzongs in the country. Built in 1951, the Dzong stands on a ridge overlooking a valley.
Among other sacred relics, the Dzong houses a buffalo horn measuring about 4’5”. The horn is believed to have been discovered by Daga Penlop Tempa Thinley in early 16th century.
According to the Principal of Dagapela Dratshang, Phub Dorji, there were many auspicious signs when the Daga Penlop sent his armies to the ridge where the Dzong stands. The armies found a pair of buffalo horns.
“According to our research one of the horns was taken to Talo in exchange of Jo-sung Jen ma,” he said.
Like many other Dzongs in the country, Daga Trashi Yangtse Dzong too provides shelter to more than two hundred monks. They will be able to shift to their new hostels by the end of this month.
The construction cost of the hostel Nu.30 million. Total budget allocated for the renovation of the Dzong is Nu.125 million. About Nu.57 million has been spent till date.
Daga Trashi Yangtse Dzong was built by Drugda Namgyel with a command from Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel to bring the area under control and to defend the country from the invading armies from south.