With the growing number of people visiting the Jigme Chhoeling Primary Health Centre in Gelegphu, health workers are finding it difficult to deliver timely health services in the community today. Currently, there are only two health staff providing the services at the centre.
According to one of the staff of the centre, the Health Care Centre in Jigme Chhoeling functioned smoothly until 2018, before one of the health workers was transferred to another hospital. Since then, the centre has been struggling in providing timely health services with only two health workers.
And the situation worsens when one of them has to go out for official meetings and workshops.
“One of the staff was taken to Chhudzergang Hospital. Before, it was convenient when the three of us were here. With only two staff, one has to keep on working outside in the field attending meetings and workshops. It becomes inconvenient for us as most of the time the health centre has to be operated by one staff only. We are burdened and are not able to provide quality health service to patients,” said Sonam Zangmo, a Health Assistant of the Centre.
On average, the health centre receives around 25 people daily seeking various medical care services. The health workers said they often get complaints from people for making them wait for a long time.
“We receive around 24 people every day. The sister gets engaged attending MCH for children, women, and for family planning. And one of us has to attend the OPD. Everything takes time and people have to wait for a longer time,” said Pema Kinzang, another staff of the centre.
Aware of the situation, the gewog administration also took the matter to the recent Dzongkhag Tshogdu. They appealed for the up-gradation of the Primary Health Centre to Hospital along with a doctor.
This is also expected to reduce the number of patients referred to the Gelegphu Central Regional Referral Hospital.
“If it cannot be upgraded to grade two to one hospital, health ministry could look upon the possibilities to send an additional staff for the centre. It will immensely benefit the community and the civil servants working here,” said Kumar Gurung, the Jigme Chhoeling Gup.
The Dzongkhag Health Official however informed that following the staffing pattern guidelines, Primary Heath Centre is eligible for only two health staff.
Nevertheless, the Dzongkhag Tshogdu decided to write to the health ministry regarding the matter.
Karma Wangdi, Gelegphu