With the number of imported cases of COVID-19 in the country on a steady rise and reports of community transmission in neighbouring Indian border towns, the Health Ministry is now preparing for community transmission and lockdown.
An important step in lockdown preparation is ensuring stakeholders are prepared in terms of security, health, logistics and communication. As part of the preparedness plan for Thimphu Thromde, Health Ministry and the Department of Disaster Management conducted a lockdown simulation exercise today in Thimphu.
During the exercise, stakeholders such as Health Ministry, Thimphu Thromde, Royal Bhutan Police, Road Safety and Transport Authority and local government leaders were made to simulate their instant response to news of community transmission.
According to the Technical Advisory Group under the Health Ministry, such exercise is critical in evaluating the preparedness plan and response mechanisms in place among the stakeholders.
Sithar Dorjee, Chair of the Technical Advisory Group said,” With this exercise, Thromde is not only able to identify gaps and loopholes but will gain confidence as it also serves as training. They will be able to understand if they have everything in place, if not they can address these issues immediately.”
Speaking to BBS, Thrompon Kinlay Dorjee, said they have already started preparing and the plans are almost ready. “To prevent the disease from spreading, we have to restrict travels, close schools and businesses. As soon as we receive the order, we are ready to act on it”.
The Technical Advisory Group said considering the evaluation of the response from many districts, Bhutan is well prepared with all measures and action plans in place in an event of a lockdown.
The Ministry of Health said a lockdown will be imposed only in an event of community transmission.
Meanwhile, with 12 active cases in the country and zero death, Bhutan continues to remain in the Orange stage of the pandemic.
Tshering Dendup