The government has implemented several measures to prevent COVID-19 outbreak in the country and ensure continuous supply of essential items despite international travel disruption and complete lockdown in India. With only two positive cases in the country, Bhutan is currently in a better place than most of the countries affected by the global pandemic. However, with countries like the United States, Australia, and the Middle East reporting an alarming increase in the number of infections, there is a growing concern for Bhutanese living abroad. Currently no positive case has been reported in Bhutanese living abroad.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in touch with Bhutanese living outside the country through its embassies and consulate offices. BBS got in touch with a few Bhutanese living across the world to find out their situation and how their lives have been affected by the lockdowns imposed in the countries they reside.
Tshering Pem, Kuwait
It’s been more than 10 days since we are in self-quarantine. But the good thing about our company is that it is still giving us salaries despite us not going to the work. Though the whole country is under lockdown, we still have access to essential items. And the mall is strictly taking care of the customer’s hygiene. The government of Kuwait also implemented curfew from 5 pm to 4 am in the morning so that they can reduce the gatherings. The Bhutanese community here is getting regular information from the Embassy through the Wechat group. We also are keeping ourselves updated through the news channels.
Nima, Kuwait
I don’t know about other people but my friends and I are totally fine and managing very well. Although Kuwait is under lockdown, we can still get all essential items. We are not facing any challenges as of now because the government here is doing their best to safeguard all the people living in Kuwait.
Tshering Penjor, Canberra, Australia
Since foreigners are not allowed to enter Australia, and upon hearing different kind of news, people living back at home must be worried about all of us. First of all, with the care and concern from His Majesty The King, secondly with the blessings of Kencho Sum and Zhung Dratshang led by His Holiness the Je Khenpo, and with prayers of our parents and relatives back home, no one has been affected so far. Therefore, I request all not to get worried.
Nima Dorji, Perth, Australia
We would like to offer our gratitude to His Majesty the King, His Holiness the Je Khenpo, and the Royal Government. We would like to request all parents and relatives back home not to get worried. We are all good and the government here also provides good medical care.
Namgay Wangchuk, President, ABPI, Australia
The situation down here is not so severe. There is some shortage of groceries however it is not just us, Bhutanese, who are facing the shortage. The stocks are enough but because of panic buying, there was a shortage. The government is also looking into the matter.
Rinchen Namgay, New York
To access the problems and monitor the situation of the Bhutanese across the US, the Permanent Mission out here have appointed focal persons for different states. The information from the government is also shared through the group. We have been ordered to report if any problem arises. So far, there is no report of any Bhutanese being infected. Most of us are on home quarantine and some are living with their employers.
Loday Gyeltshen, New York
The hospitals in our area are facing a shortage of equipment and overcrowding of patients although the government is providing the facilities. However, Bhutanese out here are lucky as we did not hear anyone with the disease. And I pray that we do not get the disease. All of us are staying at home.
Speaking to BBS, Doma Tshering, the Ambassador to Permanent Mission of Bhutan to the UN in New York, said that Bhutan Mission is providing all Bhutanese with essential information required to access urgent medical care and support to facilitate these procedures. “We have been providing almost real time advice on travel restrictions and requirements to assist Bhutanese trying to return home in close coordination with Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bhutan and other diplomatic post. 24/7 communication lines have been opened to respond to questions and concerns related to the current crisis,” she said.
As of today, the number of confirmed cases worldwide is 537,000. The highest number of cases, 85000 is reported in United States, with New York City alone accounting for 37000 positive cases. In Australia, the number of cases has now reached 3167.
Tshering Zam