Lack of proper policy in place makes it difficult to construct houses that the government pledged for, said the Works and Human Settlement Minister. The government during election pledged to provide affordable housing for middle and low income groups nationwide.
Apart from providing affordable home, they also pledged to give the opportunity of owning a home by means of building 2,500 flats for homeownership. To this, the Member of Parliament from Nganglam questioned the Works and Human Settlement Minister about the status of the government’s pledge today during the question hour session of the National Assembly.
“This is important. Everyone wants a house but so far there is no single policy to solve this issue. This time, our government has decided we need a policy first. For now, the government has approved the National Housing policy. In this policy, we have mainly focused on constructing affordable housing. Secondly, we have planned to construct homeownership based flats. When we are completely done with this policy, we will make regulations. After that, we will implement as per the policy. For that, we are also in search of funds,” said Dorji Tshering, the Works and Human Settlement Ministry.
Samten Dolkar