To increase the export and production of Brand Bhutan products both in the national and international market, the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MoEA) in partnership with Enhanced Integrated Framework launched the export diversification programme today.
Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF), an international trade organization, is a multilateral partnership that assists least developed countries to use trade as an engine for growth, sustainable development and poverty reduction.
In addition to the export diversification programme, the Ministry also launched two enterprise data hubs.
Bhutanese products and services have been struggling to find its space in the international market. Promoting and implementing Brand Bhutan has become essential for the economic progress of the country. Export diversification is expected to promote Brand Bhutan products through enhanced exports by volume and value and eventually contribute towards expanding the industry base.
“Export diversification has become crucial and resilience in the economy. Bhutan’s economic vulnerability is still very low. Therefore, export diversification under Brand Bhutan will definitely help us to build up our excellence and also to adjust or go beyond our today’s rating of economic vulnerability,” said Loknath Sharma, the Minister for MoEA.
Today, Brand Bhutan is implemented under the Cottage and Small Industries and start-up flagship development programme. EIF approved Nu 1.5 M for the execution of the export diversification programme under Brand Bhutan.
Meanwhile, the launch of the One-Stop Information centre and People Data Hub is the result of the previous project funded by EIF. The systems will improve service delivery through improved data and information available on electronic platforms for business, government agencies, individuals and the public at large.
Sonam Pem