Poor safety practices, accidents at work places due to human negligence are a major concern. To create a safe working environment, Bhutan for the first time joined the Global Community in observing the world day for safety and health at work. The day was observed in the capital with the theme “Life before Livelihood”.
With rapid socio-economic development, especially in the construction and industrial sectors, new occupational hazards and risks have increased. “The working environment in terms of occupational health and safety in our country is unfortunately very poor, said the Secretary of Labour and Human Resources, Pema Wangda. “Every day some accidents occur at the work places, he added.
About 129 work related accidents with 57 deaths have been reported to the Ministry since the enforcement of Occupational Health and Safety regulation in 2006. Many incidents goes unreported.
To educate and create awareness on improving the safety at work places, the Ministry of Labour and Human Resources observed the World Day for Safety and Health at Work.
Speaking at the gathering, Labour and Human Resources Minister Dorji Wangdi, said it is an important day to promote safety and health of the workers.
A documentary on Occupational Health and Safety was screened to the gathering. The ministry also launched Online Labour Inspection and Reporting System.
The Occupational Health and Safety measures were introduced in 1995 with the enactment of the Mines and Minerals Management Act and rules and regulations on establishment and operation of Industrial and commercial ventures. In 2006, following a series of work place accidents, the cabinet directed the ministry to draft and implement an Occupational Health and Safety regulations. It was later consolidated with the Labour and Employment Act, in 2007.