The Automobile workshop area in Olakha is an eyesore, as one enters the capital city along the express highway. The entire area is riddled with waste and garbage of all sorts, as agencies contend over who should be responsible for the maintenance of the area.
This is now expected to change as the Thimphu Thromde takes over the responsibility.
During a visit, it was found that the drains remained clogged with pet bottles and garbage. Manholes were left open without proper lid. The roads are riddled with potholes, and discarded vehicle parts splattered almost everywhere.
The National Environment Commission said, it is really concerned about the situation in the area. The NEC as an environment watch-dog is worried about any activity that pose risk to human health and environment, said the Chief Environment Officer of NEC, G Karma Chophel.
He said with the implementation of waste management regulation, it should be taken care of.
Meanwhile, the Automobile Association said it is confused over who should be responsible for maintaining the area. The president of the Association said, the government and the owners of the workshop should take the lead role.
The Thimphu Thromde acknowledged that it is the responsibility of the thromde to maintain the infrastructure facilities in the municipal area. Thrompon Kinlay Dorjee said the issue has been discussed with the national environment commission and a cost is being worked out for the maintenance of the workshop area.
People also said that it is a common responsibility of the workshop owners and the agencies concerned. One of the main issues faced is the indiscriminate disposal of wastes in the area. The enforcement of the waste management regulation is expected to help address the concern.