With the closing of National Council today, the House unanimously adopted three recommendations to the issues related to education with all the 20 members present voting in favour.
Chukha MP Sangay Dorji shared concerns on the Government’s decision to remove cut-off points for Class X students who appeared for Board Examinations in 2018 and onwards. He informed that unsatisfied with the responses provided by the education minister during one of the question hour sessions, the house agreed to re-deliberate on this issue and submit follow up recommendations to the government.
The House, concerned with the absence of a comprehensive and holistic study for the implementation of this policy, breach of protocol for policy formulation and possible unsustainability of such ad-hoc decision in the long run, unanimously agreed to submit the recommendations to the government.
The recommendations include initiation for the enactment of the National Education Act of Bhutan followed by prioritization and urgent approval of the draft National Education Policy, and lastly reconsideration for the conduct of a thorough impact analysis of the removal of cut-off point for class X students.
The 23rd session of the National Council concluded today, the ceremony was graced by the Prime Minister, the Speaker of the National Assembly, Cabinet secretary and government officials.
The chairperson detailed out the discussions and bills passed in National Council this session. The council discussed and passed the immediate need of Impeachment procedure bill of Bhutan, Minister and Minister Equivalent Post Holders’ Entitlement Bill, ratified two international agreement; Air Service Agreement between the Royal Government of Bhutan and the Government of the United Arab Emirates and amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete Ozone Layer. The house also discussed on the Supplementary Budget & Appropriation Bill for Financial Year 2018-19 and National Budget Appropriation Bill 2019-2020 among others.
The session concluded with Tashi Moenlam.