Archery ranges in the country are not safe for both the archers and spectators. This, according to the Bhutan Indigenous Games and Sports Association (BIGSA) is due to non-compliance to safety measures as per the Traditional Archery Rules and Regulations.
With the development of archery game and increasing number of game enthusiast, there is a need for safe playgrounds.
However, lack of safety wall, archery ranges built near residential areas and agricultural fields still continue. As per the Traditional Archery Rules and Regulations, a distance of 145 meters has to be maintained for a range and safety wall has to be built to ensure safety.
“One main reason for archery related accidents is due to lack of safety measures practised by the archers and spectators. Most of the accidents happen in gewogs and villages. Archers playing under the influence of alcohol is another reason,” Pema Dawa, the Director of BIGSA said.
Some archers shared that there is an urgent need for better playgrounds and awareness program among the general public.
“I think the concerned authority should make spectators aware because most of the accidents happen when spectators are not aware of the ongoing archery matches,” Sonam Phuntsho, an archer, said.
“I think awareness program like having signboards while the practice for a tournament is going on will help the general public to be aware of it because accidents happen when people come directly to the archery range unknowingly, ” Phub Dorji, another archer, said.
According to BIGSA’s rules and regulations, the dimension or archery field should include a minimum of 20 metres safe distance behind each target area excluding the space for spectators.
BIGSA conducted archery safety measures training and inspection in 2015 to reduce archery related accidents.