Pangsho Goenpa under Nahing Gewog in Wangdue Phodrang sees an increasing number of visitors annually after the temple was connected with a road a few years back.
The Goenpa located on a hilltop overlooking the valley of Punakha and Wangdue Phodrang is believed to be one of the oldest temples in the country.
It takes less than an hour to reach the temple by car from the Wangdue-Tsirang highway. But some eight years ago, it used to take a whole day on foot for the same journey.
Sources say the temple is connected with the motorable road about eight years back. The road was constructed till Khuju Goenpa by Lam Jamtsho and continued to Pangsho Goempa by some private individuals.
The road has not just encouraged pilgrimage but fast-tracked developmental activities as well.
“Things have changed for the better here. Earlier, there was neither a road nor electricity supply. It was a tiring journey for people visiting the monastery,” Lam Sonam, of Pangsho Goenpa, said.
However, with road access, the only person looking after the temple, Lam Sonam says there is a need for more caretakers for security reasons.
“I am happy when increasing numbers of devotees visit the temple. But at the same time, I am worried too,” he added.
A Buddhist saint from Tibet, Lam Zhang Dorje Drakpa is believed to have founded Pangsho Geonpa in the 13th Century. The temple’s main relic is Due-Sum-Sangay or Buddhas of the Three Generations. It also houses other sacred religious items.