The implementation of the limited plastic ban is just 10 days away. To raise awareness about the ban, students from Samtse College of Education went to the India-Bhutan border gate informing everyone about the plastic ban yesterday.
Trucks, taxis, motorcyclists, and those on foot were stopped as they went out to the neighbouring Indian town of Chamurchi and to anyone who came in through the border gate. The college students are the members of Global Citizenship Education club (GCED).
Every Wednesday, Bhutanese go to the neighbouring Indian town to do their mid-week shopping. The group took this opportune time to create awareness about the impending plastic ban.
Information about why it is called a limited plastic ban was conveyed to the people.
“When we say plastic, it is the carry plastic bags used by people for shopping. Second, it is the Doma wrappers and third, it is the homemade ice cream pouches ” Karma Wangchuk, the GCED Club Coordinator, said.
The group also went across to the Indian border town, informing retailers about the ban in Bhutan and requesting them not give plastics to Bhutanese customers.
“Instead of giving plastics if they give things wrapped in papers or via other means then they are contributing a lot in this ban. If they stop doing it then shoppers will obviously not ask for it, ”Sangay Dema, one of the club members, said.
Before the ban comes into effect on April 1, the club plans to reach out to residents in Samtse town and the college students.