A four-kilometre bypass road will be constructed at Ossey on the Gelegphu- Zhemgang highway. The works and human settlement minister said this at the National Assembly on Friday.
The road is expected to be ready before the next monsoon season sets in.
“If possible, the bypass road would be completed before the monsoon begins. The works have already begun,” Lyonpo Dorji Tshering said.
Landslides are a common chronic problem at Ossey during monsoon. Landslides triggered by rain cause blocks often and wash away the road other times, causing travel chaos.
However, at Riotala, which is another block prone area, Lyonpo said there is nothing much that be done.
“At Riotala, the slide area is above the road, so there is no space to construct a new road or retaining wall,” the minister said.
The only solution, he added, is to construct drains and clear the slides as it occurs.