The annual judiciary report 2018 revealed decrease of criminal cases and increase of civil cases in the country last year compared to 2017.
The report was launched recently in Thimphu.
Last year saw over 7,000 civil cases registered in courts, out of which monetary cases topped the list.
The total civil cases had marginally increased by five per cent compared to 2017. And out of over 1,000 criminal cases, Assault and Battery topped the list.
However, the number has dropped by 14 per cent. This, according to the Supreme Court’s Registrar General Tshering Dorji might be due to some circumstances.
“The increase and decrease of cases are due to high population density, and economic and social activities happening in the area. Otherwise, not many dzongkhags saw sharp increase in criminal or civil cases,” he added.
The cases pending in the 2018 is around 2400 including over 200 cases which are pending beyond 12 months.
A total of over 8500 cases across the country were decided by the courts last year.