The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) saw an increase in drug-related cases last year. From more than 300 cases in 2016, the OAG received 500 cases last year.
According to the annual report of OAG 2017, the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substance, and cannabis and its derivatives cases are increasing yearly.
The report says the increasing drug-related cases are due to the stringent laws, and also to the amendment of the Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Substance Abuse Act of Bhutan 2015
The new legislation quantified the amount of drugs, which resulted in redefining trafficking as opposed to the conventional understanding of what trafficking would constitute.
The report also says it was a challenge to fight against a new drug, Spasmoproxyvon Plus (SP+), which contains opioid.
Although the laws are stringent, the OAG report says, it has no effect to reduce the drug peddlers and drug abuse cases.