Sarpang District Court has upheld Gelegphu Dungkhag Court’s judgment on the former Gelegphu Dungpa case but with partial alterations to the sentence.
In the judgment passed on July 13, the district court increased the former Dungpa Pema Wangdi’s prison sentence to 41 years.
He can, however, pay Thrimthue for 33 years of the total sentence. He also has to refund Nu 6.9m to the government.
Earlier, he was sentenced to 15 years in prison by the Dungkhag Court. The court found him guilty of forgery, embezzlement, solicitation, commission amounting to abuse of functions, official misconduct, active bribery, perjury and abuse of privileged information.
The district court also sentenced the former Dungkhag Administrative Assistant, Sonam Norbu, to 19 years in prison. He can pay in lieu of prison term for 16 years.
The court also ordered him to refund over Nu 1m to the government. Sonam Norbu was found guilty of forgery, embezzlement, passive bribery, aiding and abetting.
The District Court reduced the sentence of the third convict, who is a contractor, to one year and six months in prison. Earlier, he was sentenced to two-and-a-half year by the lower court.
The three individuals had appealed to the district court in June last year. They were convicted of embezzling more than Nu 10.6m from the Losel Cinema Hall in Gelegphu.