Cordyceps collection decreases

Cordyceps collection decreasesThe collection of cordyceps has decreased by more than twofold this year compared to last year. Only about 231 kilograms of cordyceps were collected as compared to more than 671 kilograms, last year. It is the lowest since 2007.

Even though the royalty was revised last year, the government earned little less than Nu 2 M royalty, as a result of low yield, this year.

From more than 231 kilograms declared at the auction yard, over 22 kilograms of cordyceps was withdrawn from the auction.

Department of Agricultural Marketing and Cooperatives’ Marketing Assistant, Tenzin Wangchuk said many people are choosing to sell cordyceps on their own instead of bringing them to the auction.

The collectors are mandated to declare the collection to the Department of Forest under agriculture ministry. Many say people prefer not to declare the collection to evade a royalty of Nu 8,400 per kilogram of cordyceps.

Wangdue Phodrang saw the highest amount of cordyceps collection with over 133 kilogram and Lhuentse, the lowest with less than a kilogram.

Cordyceps from Lunana fetched the highest price and Khoma from Lhuentse fetched the lowest.

There was a decrease in the number of collectors participating in the auction as well. Only about 1,300 collectors from over 3,000 collection permits issued attended the auction.

This season also saw a decreased number of traders registering to participate in the auction.

However, the price of cordyceps had increased significantly which is the highest till now. A kilogram of cordyceps fetches Nu 780,000 per kilogram, this year.


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