Attorney General to serve for five years

Attorney General to serve for five yearsAlthough, the National Council proposed that the new Attorney General shall hold office for a five year term, the parliament today removed the clause since it was already mentioned in another section in the OAG Bill.

The National Council last year, proposed that in case of demise, resignation or otherwise of a serving attorney general, the new attorney general shall hold office for a full five year term.

Members said, it wasn’t clear how long an Attorney General will serve.

National Assembly Speaker Jigme Zangpo said there was no room for confusion since the Constitution and the OAG Bill already states an Attorney General will serve for five years.

The Opposition Leader pointed out the voting system was incorrect since the poll showed only 50 members while there were about 60 members inside the house.

The bill was adopted after 47 members voted ‘Yes’.

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