His Majesty attends Namgay Tongchoe and Neten Chudru prayers

His Majesty the King, Gyaltsuen Jetsun Pema Wangchuck, Cabinet Ministers and senior government officials attended the Namgay Tongchoe and Neten Chudru prayers at the Kuenra of the Tashichhodzong this morning. The prayers were in keeping with the Buddha Parinirvana or the Duechen-Nga-Zom. It was on this day that the Buddha was conceived, born, gained enlightenment and attained Nirvana.

The prayers were performed by the central monastic body and presided over by His Holiness the Je Khenpo. Following the prayers, His Majesty the King, Gyaltsuen, His Holiness the Je Khenpo and the five lopens of the central monastic body circumambulated the Namgeymi Kilkhor along with the cabinet ministers.

His Majesty and Gyaltsuen offered nyendhar and prayers to the statue of Zhabdrung Khamsum Zilnoen and Neten Chudru thongdrol.

Thousands of people gathered to receive blessings at the courtyard of the Tashichhodzong.

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