(Update) Refurbishment of the University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan, UMSB, is in full swing. A Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of India will be signed in the first week of April. The university will commence from June. The MoU will be for human resource and capacity building as per the principal MoU that was signed earlier for 10 years.
The GoI has provided a grant of Nu. 250 million for establishment of the University. In the initial period, some of the faculty members will be from India. The Ministry of Health has proposed at least six faculty members, professors or assistant professors, tutors or demonstrator each for three subjects of anatomy, physiology and bio-chemistry.
“As per the medical council of India, at least 165 teaching faculty members is a must. But in Bhutan, as of now we don’t have professionals who are really competent or skilled in pre-clinical. Though many are out on study it will take a minimum of four to five years for them to come back so until then we will have to depend on India,” said Jamtsho, Project Co-ordinator of the UMSB.
The college will commence with 50 students including 35 Bhutanese and 15 Indian since the MoU also mandates 30 % seat reservation for Indian students. The course offered will be MBBS, Bachelor in Dental Sciences and others.
The fee has also been decided, but it is subject to further revision. Recruitment of the teaching faculty along with procurement of equipment will be done soon.