With the relaxation of the lockdown in Samtse yesterday, the seven-day mandatory quarantine for all out-bound travellers from the district was reinstated. Although the dzongkhag was declared a green zone without any COVID-19 positive cases, it is still considered a high-risk area because of its proximity to the border.
Before the unlocking began at 11 AM, some 40 people who had registered during the lockdown to leave Samtse were sent. They underwent the RT-PCR test on Tuesday, the 5th of January. All of them tested negative. Soon after, those who registered to travel out of Samtse in the coming days were quarantined.
”Upon the directive of the National Task Force, they will be quarantined for seven days and will be allowed to travel upon testing negative on RT-PCR test after quarantine,” said Passang Dorji, the Samtse Dzongdag.
Similarly, after people shared concerns about inbound travellers, especially from Thimphu and Paro directly going to their homes, the dzongkhag has adopted strict home quarantine measures.
The dzongdag added that the district will pilot the home quarantine, however, ‘if people fail to adhere to the directives, they will be put in facility quarantine’.
Meanwhile, the Dzongkhag COVID-19 Taskforce has made it a custom for incoming travellers to sign an undertaking letter that they will be in home-quarantine and abide by the protocols. So far 16 people entered Samtse from Thimphu and Paro.
Sherub Dorji