The Royal Securities Exchange of Bhutan Limited, RSEBL inaugurated an online system called Integrated System to trade in stocks and securities.
The launch aims to make people aware of the country’s stock exchange market and for easy access to its services. With this integrated system, trade in securities can take place online from any part of the country.
Bhutan’s share market took a giant leap to create platform to facilitate trade in the local share market, according to the CEO of the Royal Securities Exchange of Bhutan, Dorji Phuntsho.
With the launch of the Integrated System, one can participate in the share market by opening an account with any of the four brokers available in the market. These four brokers are registered with the RSEBL who buy and sell shares and other securities. All the information required to buy and sell shares will be available online at
A broker, Tenzin Choiphel said, with this new integrated system it will provide a flexible platform for trading shares and stocks. Through this system transfer of funds and transfer of shares is made easier.
But the concern is how many shareholders would come forward to trade with the change in stock prices. Some say most would rather prefer to wait for the dividend at the end of the year.