The President of Youth Development Fund, Her Majesty the Queen Mother,Tshering Pem Wangchuck, met the members of young volunteers in action (Y-VIA) in Tsirang yesterday. Her Majesty also visited Damphu Higher Secondary School and met the students.
The activities carried out by the members were presented to Her Majesty the Queen Mother. Her Majesty commended the members for undertaking various activities in the community.
“I am impressed. Very impressed. It really touches my heart to see that our young, our youth are responsible and you all can give so much working selflessly. I am deeply impressed,” said Her Majesty to the volunteers.
Her Majesty then visited Dungkarcholing village. The village is adopted by the youth volunteers as a GNH model village. Various activities are taken up by the volunteers to help the people in the village. While interacting with the people, Her Majesty explained the ill effects of alcohol and the social problem associated with it to the people. Her Majesty also hosted a lunch for the community. Cultural items were presented by the members and people from the community.
Her Majesty then visited the house of an old couple, who are the beneficiary of the young volunteers in action club members. Later in the afternoon, Her Majesty visited Damphu Higher Secondary school to talk about the ill effects of alcohol and drugs to the students. Her Majesty shared her concerns over drug abuse and youth related crimes. Her Majesty advised the students to refrain from abusing drugs.
“When you take drugs, its not only harmful for yourselves, but so much pain is inflicted on everyone around you, especially the people who love you the most. You hurt them the most, you bring so much pain on them and then for them to just watch and see you wasting your life and finally killing yourself. So this is what really bad in taking drugs. And for me it pains me so much to see that our youth are being so easily influenced into taking drugs and alcohol,” Her Majesty said.
Students also shared their concerns with Her Majesty the Queen Mother. They said they are worried about the high number of bars in the country.
Her Majesty also visited the Dongphu Ney near Damphu town and offered prayers. The name Damphu is said to have been derived from this cave, where Hindus worship it as an abode of Lord Shiva.