During the National Cadastral Resurvey in 20 dzongkhags, over 1,500 land dispute cases were resolved. In Punakha alone, about 127 cases were resolved.
“In my gewog most of the land issues were claim over a same plot of land by more than one land owner,” said Dzomi Gup, Phuntsho Namgay.
Most cases in Punakha are related to purchase and sale of land, boundary related issues, inheritance cases and claim over a same plot of land by more than one land owner.
In an attempt to streamline the process and also to facilitate better services to the land owners with land dispute, Gups and Mangmis from 11 gewogs in Punakha attended the land dispute settlement workshop. The workshop was organised in order to resolve the land disputes more effectively within the gewog and dzongkhag level.
Guma Gewog’s Mangmi, Bago Dorji, said one of the biggest challenges was the sale and purchases disputes. He said there are cases of some land transactions that do not have official agreement.
They also said the workshop provided them a platform to clear other doubts, regarding the Land Act, rules and regulations.
Officials from the National Land Commission said the land dispute cases have to be resolved according to Land Act 2007.
Similar workshop will be conducted in Paro Dzongkhag. The workshop was organised by the National Land Commission with financial assistance from DANIDA.