Top officials of Punatshangchhu Hydropower Project Authority-1 were on tour for more than 200 days in one year, according to an audit report. The officials include Managing Director, Joint Managing Director, Engineers, and Finance Officers. Some employees were in the duty station for less than one month in a year.
The joint audit report of Royal Audit Authority and the Indian audit for the period 2012-13 found out that the number of days the employees were on tour ranged from 50 days to as high as 336 days in one financial year.
According to the report, tours were availed for more than 200 days since 2011.
The audit report found out that Nu 17.6 M was spent on tours that ranged from 50 to 336 days.
The report mentions, there was no system of submitting tour reports after returning from tour to authenticate the specific duties carried out during the tour. “The reasons for performing such long tours appeared unreasonable as their stay and contribution in the duty station will be very important,” the joint report states.
Some officials had also taken leave right after their tour and claimed Daily Service Allowance for their return journey. Tours were planned to coincide with their holiday trip to hometown. “This was unduly benefitting the individual at the cost of the project,” states the report.
The project authority had responded in the report saying tours to India were necessary for interaction with different departments of the government of India to achieve the target of commissioning the project.
The authority also responded that for the officials who had availed leave while on tour, no DSA was paid while on leave.
The Royal Audit Authority had responded that the PHPA Management should work out the number of days needed for performing tours in one year.