Tsazo or the art of weaving bamboo basket is almost on the brink of vanishing in Gongdue under Monggar. The art, which used to thrive in the remote village, is now practiced by only two elderly craftsmen.
Bamboo weaving was one of the chief sources of income for the people of Gongdue.
But, with limited market for the products now, the villagers say they are finding better economic opportunities elsewhere.
Such heightened perception coupled with the children embracing other choices in the towns has dented the popularity of bamboo craft.
One of the regular weavers of bamboo basket in the village has found no one to pass on his skills to.
“Those few who weave bamboo basket have grown old. There are not much weavers. The younger ones don’t weave basket. It is only the old ones who weave here,” said Lenkong of Gongdue.
Some of the regular and well-known weavers have already died or left the village to stay with their children in other places.
There are some people who know the art but they prefer manual works in construction due to better income.
Some said Tsazo could be practiced as a hobby during free time.
The steep decline in weaving basket has been also attributed to difficulty in getting the raw materials.