Villagers of Norgaygang Gewog, previously known as Bara, under Samtse have been grappling with acute shortage of drinking water supply. Five villages, Dugphey, Phendeygang, Chongzu, Choogu and Karmaling, under the Gewog do not have access to safe drinking water till date. However, the problem is expected to be solved once the rural water supply scheme, which is underway in the community, is complete.
Our reporter, Karma Wangdi, says that empty jerry cans outside their houses are a common scene. Without proper water supply, residents of these villages have to fetch water from distant places. The villagers say fetching water is the only household task they could perform in a day.
“With no proper water supply, we even do not have kitchen garden,” said one of the local residents, D B Mongar.
However, the good news that works are underway to solve this problem. The Gewog Administration Officer, Cheku Wangchuk, said the rural water supply scheme is currently underway in some of the villages. “Most of the villages now are connected to safe drinking water supply while some are underway.”
The digging and lying of water pipes are being done by the beneficiaries themselves. Started in September last year, the project is expected to complete by end of June this year. The Project is being carried out with funds from the government.