Bhutan’s corruption ranking remains unchanged in the last two years

Bhutan’s corruption ranking for the last two consecutive years remained unchanged.

Bhutan was ranked 27th among the 176 countries in corruption perception index 2016 by Transparency International with a score of 65.

The score 0 equals the highest level of perceived corruption and 100 equals the lowest level.

According to Anti-Corruption Commission, the score has improved over the years compared to 63 in 2012. In Asia and Pacific region, Bhutan has been ranked 6th in the last five years.

“It indicates that all Bhutanese knows that we have very strong policies on governance and democratic governance right from our Throne. The check and balance in Bhutan is strong. Not only because of Anti-Corruption agency. It is because we have other constitutional agencies like Royal Audit Authority,’ said the Director, Department of Prevention and Education, Karma Thinlay.

He added that with the change in economy and developmental activities, the nature of corruption will also change.

“We have not been able to progress ahead. I think it also indicates that Bhutan needs to, all sectors, private sectors, the Civil Society Organizations, citizens and as well as government and public sectors need to perform better if you want to climb up the rank,” said the Director.

With Bhutan graduating from the Least Developed Country to Lower Middle Income Country and increase in budget outlay, ACC says the risk of corruption will also increase.

Bhutan has been featured in the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index for the last eleven years.

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