Matter of ACC’s independence taking too long?

Matter of ACC’s independence taking too long-The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) talks about its independence, once again. In its annual report, it says functional independence has no meaning at all without control over resources such as personnel, finances and authority to determine. It has been pushing for its independence since 2006, because it says independence is important to prevent and combat corruption.

The Chairperson of Anti-Corruption Commission, Dasho Neten Zangmo says the matter of independence has taken too long and it has to be resolved once and for all by the higher authorities.

“Crux of the matter is how do you define independence? After nine years and four months of existence we are more confirmed it has to be given control over its own resources and have check and balance in place. If it’s not strong, make it strong”

Dasho added, just having functional independence is not enough at all because it is like asking you to fight a battle with all the weapons under control.

The Constitution of Bhutan clearly mentions that commission is an independent body. ACC stresses that, what is guaranteed by the constitution has to be operationalised. Sources from the Supreme Court also agree with the interpretation of ACC and say it should be independent in all aspects.

The ACC’s annual report will be presented to the parliament. The discussion in the coming days will be an answer.





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