His Majesty grants audience to JICA’s outgoing Resident Representative

Tomoki Nitta

His Majesty the King granted an audience to the outgoing Resident Representative of JICA, Tomoki Nitta, his wife, Yoshie Nitta, and the new Resident Representative of JICA in Bhutan, Yumiko Akasuma in Thimphu yesterday.


I have served my best to support the country in appropriate way, especially the achievements of the current plans…”

Tomoki Nitta
Outgoing Resident Representative,


Speaking to BBS, Tomoki Nitta described his stay in Bhutan as memorable. After being in Bhutan for three years and seven months, Tomoki Nitta, left for Japan today. He will now be heading the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Training Center in Japan.  “One of the major achievements is our assistance in rural electrification. The current FYP’s one of main target is 100 percent rural electrification. We also provided technical cooperation,” said Tomoki Nitta.

Meanwhile, the new Chief Representative of the JICA office in Bhutan, Yumiko Asakuma, said the cooperation between the two countries has come a long way.  She added that she will work towards strengthening the cooperation.

Yumiko Akasuma
Yumiko Akasuma

JICA have been assisting Bhutan in various fields like agricultural development and mechanisation, school and bridge construction among others.








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