Eye surgery camp sees more than 300 people with cataract and pterygium

In an ongoing eye surgery camp in the eastern districts, more than 300 people underwent cataract and pterygium surgery. A cataract is a cloudy area that forms in the eye’s lens and pterygium is growth on the conjunctiva of the eyes. Currently, the surgery camp team is in Trashigang.

Doctors performed cataract and pterygium surgeries on 80 patients in Trashigang. Most of the patients were elderly people. The week-long camp in Trashigang will end on Saturday.

“Before last year, I underwent surgery at Monggar hospital. It has helped me see clearly. This year, I came again. I am grateful to the government as we do not have to travel to Thimphu having to spend a lot. I am happy,” said Sonam Rinzin, a patient.

“When I cannot see properly, it is like living in darkness. I underwent surgery last year and this time, I came for the other eye to be operated. I am very happy as I can see properly now. It would be helpful if the government continue to conduct it annually,” said Namgay Wangmo, another patient.

Besides conducting surgery, the team also created awareness of eye-related problems and how to take care of eyes after surgery.

The eye camp was organised by Monggar Regional Referral Hospital with support from Gyalyum Kesang Choeden Wangchuck National Eye Centre.

The team will conduct a similar programme in Pema Gatshel in the coming week. The team conducted surgeries in Lhuentse, Trashi Yangtse and Samdrup Jongkhar.

Sonam Darjay, Trashigang

Edited by Tshering Zam 

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