All the B.Ed graduates could not be absorbed in the civil service, this year, because of low requirement of teachers in schools, confirmed the Royal Civil service Commission (RCSC), today.
The RCSC Director, Dorji Tshering said getting into training institute does not guarantee them employment. He said vacancies in the civil service are need-based and demand-driven.
“They need to work hard to earn their place in the civil service as the requirement in the government is decreasing and becoming highly competitive every year,” said the director.
Dorji Tshering said the RCSC and education ministry are in the process of coming up with a detailed analysis of the schools, in terms of gap, requirement and existing number of teachers.
“If there is requirement in schools, the commission will be taking those teachers who did not get through the selection process. The selection will be done on basis of merit-ranking in the examination.”
Dorji Tshering said they will take some of them on contract based on the need. He said they are in the process of consultation. “Once finalised, the MoE and RCSC will submit it to the RCSC for approval.”
The director also said they had decided on the earlier vacancies of 182, after many consultations with the Ministry of Education. RCSC had announced the results on February 18. Only 182 were selected from 417 graduates.
They attended oath-taking ceremony, today. They are still awaiting placements.
The rest, 235 of them, are trying their luck in other organizations. However, many said, their applications get rejected because of their field of study.
“I tried to get a job in private organisations, including survey and PHPA, but I haven’t been successful,” said Namgay Tshering, a B.Ed Graduate from Samtse College of Education.
While some say this feels like the end of the road, others believe the last resort would be to opt for jobs below their qualification.