Lingzhi is known for medicinal herbs. It is home to a large reserve of a variety of medicinal plants and the herbs used to be one of the main sources of income for the people of the Gewog. But, from the day Cordycpes came into scene, medicinal plants lost its value in the eyes of the Lingzhi community.
Given its high market value, Cordyceps is all that counts for many in Lingzhi. Cordyceps earned them huge amount of money, some into hundreds of thousands of Ngultrums, depending on the quality.
Meeting the people during his recent visit to the Gewog, Prime Minister urged them not to abandon medical herb collection. Lyonchhoen said people must find ways and means to revive their interest in medicinal herbs.
Currently, there are more than 50 indigenous hospitals in the country. According to Dungtsho Jamyang, as the indigenous medicinal services expand, people taking less interest in medicinal herbs collection is not a good sign.
The low market rate for medicinal plants is one reason why people are taking less interest. Sangay Tshering, one of the villagers gathered to meet Lyonchhoen asked if it would be possible to increase the rate.
Lyonchhoen assured that they will look into the matter. He told the people not to give up on medicinal plants.