The bailey bridge at Sonam-bjha along the Jumja-Raidak primary national highway was damaged by falling boulders this morning cutting off Lhamoi Dzingkha Dungkhag from the rest of the districts.
According to officials from the Department of Roads (DoR), it is still risky for people to pass through. A team of experts from DoR Thimphu is visiting the site tomorrow. As per DoR, the road will remain closed until the restoration works are complete.
The bailey bridge at Sonam-bjha was launched on 12th May and opened to traffic on the 18th of the same month after heavy rainfall washed away the road. Three gewogs of Lhamoi Dzingkha Dungkhag and a portion of Darla and Bongo Gewogs in Chhukha depend on the Jumja-Raidak primary national highway.
Sonam-bjha is located at 36 km from Jumja.
Sonam Penjor