Department of Local Governance will discuss with relevant agencies the retirement benefits of the Local Government members, next week. The move comes following confusion triggered by varying interpretation and statements by the policymakers on the Local Leaders’ benefits.
Adding to the confusion is the Local Government Members’ Entitlement Act’s implementation since only July, last year.
No deductions for pension have been made from the monthly salary of the LG leaders till date.
The act states LG members are entitled for retirement benefits such as gratuity and provident fund.
The department is also not sure if the serving LG members are entitled to gratuity from the day the act came into force or from the day they began their office.
Local Government members are Gups, Mangmis, Tshogpas and Thromde Thuemis of Class B Thromdes in 16 dzongkhags. They will complete their five-year term, this year.